Hear a wonderful gift idea for kids ages 8 and over at Second Childhood Toys
Well we have seen this season parents, grandparents really trying to get kids away from screens. So we've expanded our science kits. Mostly for boys but that doesn't mean girls can't be involved in them also. We've got some great stem and building projects for girls, but one of my favorite and it happens to be an award winner this year is the Snap Circuits where kids can go in and complete a project. The particular Snap Circuit is a Junior 100, comes with one hundred different projects. It's very easy to set up, it gives you detailed instructions, and this is a product for ages 8 and over. What's great is that the kids can sit down with the booklet and do a project themselves so they can do it independently which is really attractive for the busy adults that have so much to do going on in their lives.