The best emojis smell like candy in downtown Hastings, MN
Hi, this is Barb from Second Childhood toys or SC Toys. Today I have emojis! So, you know, with the Internet and everything visual...emoji's, and scented emojis are really a huge hit! So, we have several different styles of emojis. Then we have sticky poo emoji that you can form and shape and throw against a wall. It splats and then falls down so what a fun day to do that...especially like on a rainy day. You can also kind of rearrange his face and he's squishy and...who doesn't want to have a fun day with sticky poo or a baseball. The baseball is awesome too because a lot of people can use it for hand therapy...or budding athletic baseball players can practice indoors without harming any kind of surfaces. They can practice their throwing or catching. So come on down and visit us. We have lots of good things and we look forward to your next visit.