Watch Sue from the post office drop off new games at SC Toys
Hey everyone, Barb from SC Toys here, today I have new games for everyone in the family.
So, we have Kid's Scavenger Hunt to play indoors or outdoors. How fun is that? Keys to the Castle allows you to build your own path to the castle and open the door to be the winner. Another exciting game is Mosquito Madness - doesn't this sound like totally Minnesotan? The first to match up the mosquitoes is the winner!
Our last new game today is Rubik's Tower, a new Rubik's Cube. It's kind of like a two by two, but instead of a two by two, it's two by six.
So come get your brain teaser on, find other fun games for yourself and the entire family. Spend quality time with your whole family at S C toys.